We are pleased to announce that the COMPOSITION project successfully passed its second review meeting in Brussels this March. Our project has demonstrated, quoting our Project Officer, Mr. Arian Zwegers “Great technical progress and good applications in real environments”. The partners presented the status of the project, its main achievements, as well as the plan for the main activities for the second half of the project.
The Project Officer and the reviewers were updated on the development of the use cases and of the requirements associated to them. They were also presented with demonstrations of the developed tools and the first round of implementation at the pilot sites.
“We received valuable remarks from our reviewers and our PO, as was the case in our first review. These sessions are very constructive, because they give us assurance that we are on the right track, and they also give us pointers on how to proceed. Especially concerning dissemination, exploitation and impact potential, the project got very good comments, and the estimation is that it is likely to have significant impact.”, says the Dissemination Manager, Ms. Ifigeneia Metaxa.
The project addresses areas of interest that are of high importance and potential to European industrial manufacturing, especially in relation with supply and value chain management. Hence, the commitment of the industrial partners is of significant added value.