Researchers, industries and public administrations working with IoT technologies and applications were invited by Fraunhofer FIT to share knowledge, practices and ideas at the IoT Innovation and Networking Days, taking place on 22nd and 23rd May 2017 at the Fraunhofer premises in Sankt Augustin in Bonn.
COMPOSITION was highly involved with two dedicated talks on the project and two presentations on the related topics: blockchain technology and energy harvesting. Including more informal networking sessions, the event proved to be a good opportunity for the project to promote COMPOSITION to the 70+ participants and establish new contacts and liaisons.

The event took place at the beautiful Schloss Birlinghoven.
The presentations were:
Challenges for Discrete Production Industry – The COMPOSITION Project
By Marc Jentsch, Fraunhofer FIT
The COMPOSITION Project tackles two mega-trends in Industry 4.0: optimising production and optimising collaboration. Firstly, production process optimisation is based on the introduction of IoT technology into factories and the resulting abundance of data. The challenge is to make sense of this to be able to decide on how to optimise the process. This can be achieved with the help of big data analytics, simulation and forecasting tools. Secondly, there is an increased need for optimising collaboration between companies since a complete production process is often not handled by a single company. Here, the challenge is to optimise data and service exchange between companies and at the same time guarantee confidentiality and security of company data. COMPOSITION is trying to build a technical ecosystem for this challenge, which also allows for establishing new business contacts in a marketplace approach.
Industry Use Case: Automation in Manufacturing
By Aggelos Papadopoulos, Kleemann Lifts
Presentation of the KLEEMANN Group, its departments and the needs for research. The COMPOSITION project is presented, including three use cases.
See presentation on SlideShare
Blockchain in Collaborative Manufacturing and Supply Chains
By Peter Rosengren, CNet Svenska
Blockchain technology enables IoT developers to create a new range of innovative applications that allow a group of independent actors to share data and execute business transactions in a trusted environment without having to use proprietary networks and centralised trusted third parties. The blockchain represents a distributed ledger of transactions that all parties can share and trust. Potential applications range from financial transactions, food traceability to distributed electronic patient records, In the COMPOSITION project we are researching, developing and evaluating blockchain solutions for supply change management and trusted product traceability to support factories of the future. Blockchains are also used to establish a trusted agent-based market place for automated tendering and negotiation supporting trading.
Energy Harvesting: A Key Enabler for IoT Sensor Devices for Smart Factories,
Smart Grids and Large Scale Deployments
By Michael Hayes, Tyndall National Institute
The presentation covers what type of functions IoT sensors can undertake and their value in various applications, mainly focusing on smart factories. Use cases from various past and present Tyndall smart grid and smart factory projects outline the value add of WSN (wireless sensor network) and energy harvesting activities undertaken.